Taking part in this event were People's Deputies Committee Members, The Minister for Labour and Social Policy, a Member of the National Trilateral Socio-Economic Council within the Presidency of Ukraine, Delegates from National Trade Union and Employers' Associations, and Managers of Executive Social Insurance Funds.


 The chapter of the Programme, 'Social Protection', was presented at the Round Table.


Vasyl Khara, Committee Chairman, expressed his opinion that it would be far preferable to discuss such programmes at the stage of drafting.


Iryna Kriuchkova, Deputy Minister for Economy, outlined the Draft Programme, stressing those critical aspects forcing the Government to prepare such a programme. Labour productivity within Ukraine totals only 30% of the level reached by the European Community. 38.4% of households have an average per capita monthly income below the living wage. Ukraine ranks No. 76 in the Human Development Index.


This situation stems mainly from a low quality of management, and non-transparent decisions taken by the powers.


Minister for Labour and Social Policy, Liudmila Denisova, said that the involvement of social partners in the development of such programmes must become the rule.


Characterising the social aspect of the Programme, The Minister for Labour said: 'The Social Policy of the State is not adapted to improving the national lifestyle'. Therefore, the Government emphasizes that social standards must be brought in line with the requirements for an appropriate lifestyle of the people, and guaranteed by the State.


L.Denisova gave a detailed account of several basic components of the Social Development Programme: the reform of Employment and Social Insurance systems; launching the Retirement reform; State support of families with children, improvements in the system of granting benefits and social services; social protection of the disabled.


Delegates noted that the social standards envisaged are aimed at eliminating poverty in Ukraine, whereas new social standards are required to meet the level of European lifestyle standards.


They also mentioned that the Draft Programme is more political than the economic documents, and the good intentions declared in it are not supported by economic calculations.


Inflation was not taken into account in the preparation of this Programme, which lacks resources and includes concrete figures only in its social chapter.


The speakers stressed that the declared intentions require a detailed description of the steps required to become viable.


Vasyl Khara, Committee Chairman, summarizing the discussion, emphasized the need for raising the social dialogue to a higher level. He also suggested that a Law on Social Partnership is adopted, which will allow for the invigoration of the social dialogue, and will bring together all interested parties.


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